July 09 Wednesday - Basic Bead Making Class - 8:30 am - 11:30 pm OR 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm with Dee
Basic Bead Making Class
Learn how to make some basic beads on the torch. Photo is representative of the techniques you will learn in the class!
July 09 Wednesday - 8:30 am - 11:30 pm OR 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- Maximum of one person per class
- All students must be 16 years of age or older
- Must wear closed toed/heeled footwear. No open toed/heeled shoes are allowed.
- Legs must be covered. Jeans are recommended.
All Classes are held at 1310 S. Market St., Kokomo, IN
This is the best class for someone just starting out in basic bead making. During the session each student will produce some basic beads, which can be taken home and enjoyed when the class is over.
You will learn how to use a torch and how to use different bead techniques. Once you have completed this course you will have the basic skills needed to make simple beads on your own.
All materials and supplies are included in the price of the class. We provide the tools that you will need to use while you are here.
Call us at 765-457-1829 or email OpShop@KOG.com with questions. Classes can fill up fast, so you will want to sign up early. Classes are one time only, during the date and times specified.
All Classes are held at 1310 S. Market St., Kokomo, IN. Please arrive a few minutes early and check in at the Op Shop when you arrive.
Be aware that if you go over the time of the class there will be a $65 charge for every hour you go over the class limit time. $33 for a half an hour after class.
Because most of our courses involve working with materials that are either very hot or very sharp, safety is our first concern. Safety glasses are required while in our studios and gloves must be worn while handling glass. These are provided by KOG. Please come dressed appropriately. Legs must be fully covered and open toed/open heeled shoes are not allowed. We suggest that you wear older clothing to class, being that some of the courses can get messy. Also, the studios can be cold in the winter so dress according to the weather.